
23rd Days of Open Systems
Croatian Linux Users’ Conference

Hans de Raad

Hans de Raad

The 10 Commandments for any security focussed web developer (Talk)

The 10 Commandments for any security aware web developer should know be the OWASP Vulnerability Top 10. But unlike their biblical counterparts, the OWASP top 10 tends to evolve and change when new threats and vulnerability vectors arise, so keeping current is more important than ever. The Drupal web development framework is well known for it's strong adherence to best This talk will go over the latest version of the OWASP Top 10 and how these vulnerability vectors relate to the Drupal components in which they usually occur (which actually is not necessarily IN Drupal but can, and does quite often, also involve your hosting infrastructure). This presentation will help you identify possible weaknesses in an application and how to deal with then: You'll receive practical hints and pointers on what to look out for when auditing an application Improvement of your defensive programming skills

tags: dev


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