Awesome stuff is bound to happen at DORS/CLUC 2016!
Posted on Feb. 29, 2016, 10:05 p.m.

The awesome and the Fedorians from Hungary are coming back to DORS/CLUC, which means at least two awesome booths that are hard to get separated from! Other communities include Debian and openSUSE, but we also expect many others, yet to be discovered and announced!
We are proud to announce the first few of the awesome keynotes at DORS/CLUC 2016!
Sonia Montegiove, a developer and teacher in educational programmes at the “Provincia di Perugia” and a popular freelance journalist and blogger on ICT themes. She is member of the coordination group of the LibreUmbria, Umbrian migration project to LibreOffice. She is member of TDF. She is the LibreItalia President and co-founder. She is working in the project of migration to LibreOffice of Italian Minister of Defence (150.000 desktops).
Sonia will talk about her extensive experiences with these LibreOffice migrations.
Özcan Esen, a senior year computer engineering student from Turkey, currently working as a part time software developer at Collabora and contributing LibreOffice Online. He is interested in bioinformatics, scientific visualization and free web technologies. He will talk about how they solve number of interesting challenges concerning LibreOffice as alternative to Office 365. How did they repurposed Leaflet the map library, to show documents and what are the technical challenges in collaborative editing and the current status of it? You will find out how their layered model isolates the documents and ensures that no one can access other people's documents and what is tiled rendering and what they are doing for seamless user experience?
Dorian Ivančić, an Open Source Software enthusiast/advocate/evangelist. He's been using GNU/Linux based operating systems for years and in a number of applications - from high performance servers to embedded systems. Dorian is known as a guy whose one and truly ide is vim and whose favourite window manager is tmux :). He's a member of electrical engineering department at Rimac Automobili, where he currently deals with Yocto and Qt.
Marian Marinov, a Head System Architect of, CEO of 1H Ltd. and CTO of He is a big fan of FOSS and regularly speaks at different FOSS conferences around the world. Marian also helps with the organization of OpenFest - Bulgaria's biggest FOSS conferences. In his spare time he teaches Linux system administration and Network security courses in Sofia University and SoftUni.